Listen To Toby Keith’s New Single, “A Few More Cowboys”

Toby Keith is back with new music and he’s bringing his latest single, “A Few More Cowboys,” straight to you.

TK_AFewMoreCowboys_cover_5x5-768x768The song, co-written by Toby, Bobby Pinson and Dean Dillon, has a message of civility and manners during today’s harsh times— implying that if we had more folks act like cowboys, we’d be better off.

With a few more cowboys, there’d be a lot less outlaws / With a few more amens, be a lot less bad calls / And a few more yes ma’ams, be a lot less yes men / This world would be a better place to live in / With a few more cowboys, Toby sings in the chorus.

Toby is currently on the road for his Toby Keith Interstates & Tailgates Tour Presented by Ford F-Series through October. Watch Toby perform “A Few More Cowboys in concert here:

Photo by Richard McLaren/Shock Ink




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