Bring 2 Food Items and Get a Ticket to Disney on Ice!

This Thursday, May 11th, Nash FM 102.7 will be at the Pensacola Bay Center from 9 until 11am collecting food items for BackPack Project USA. All food items will be given to children right here in Pensacola. Everyone that brings 2 items from the list will get a FREE ticket to the Opening Night of Disney on Ice on May 12th! The Items needed are:

Juice boxes
Meats (beanie weenies, Vienna sausage in a can, canned tuna and canned chicken)
Breakfast bars
Ramen noodles
Pop tarts
Cheese crackers
Apple Sauce and fruit cups
Slim Jim’s
Fruit Roll-Ups
Animal crackers

Due to concerns with allergies, please avoid donating items that may contain peanuts or peanut butter.

For more information about BackPack Project USA, CLICK HERE.

To purchase your Disney on Ice Tickets for May 12-14, CLICK HERE.




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