Kenny Chesney Shares The Reason He Recorded “Happy Does”

Kenny Chesney Shares The Reason He Recorded “Happy Does”

Kenny Chesney knew as soon as he heard “Happy Does,” it was a song that he wanted to record…

“The first time I heard ‘Happy Does’ it made me smile…a lot. Because I love the idea of my audience and the people that listen to this music, living their best life, and I think it’s really hard in today’s world…in this social media world of getting drawn in to what everyone else is doing and how everyone else is living their life instead of concentrating on your own and not necessarily letting outside factors dictate your life, or the mood that you’re in.”

The song is resonating with fans, and quickly becoming another signature hit for the superstar singer.

Check out “Happy Does” from Kenny Chesney right here…

Photo Credit: Allister Ann




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